Welcome to my site! Bienvenidos, internautas, a mi sitio web.
Mi nombre es Felina Andrea Rivera Calzadillas.
I am Felina Andrea Rivera Calzadillas.
Some girls are made of sugar and spice, some are made of Ferrite, Lithium, and Natrium. Iron, Lithium, Sodium. Blood, neurodivergence, and sweat.
My full name is Felina Andrea Rivera Calzadillas. I prefer the Spanish pronunciation.
I use Felina A. Rivera for the sake of conciseness and memorability.
Many institutions are unaware of or unwilling to accommodate the rich diversity of personal names around the world; therefore, I may also use:
This article from the W3C describes how computers should be reading and storing names: “How do people’s names differ around the world, and what are the implications of those differences on the design of forms, databases, ontologies, etc. for the Web?”
My name is not Celina Rivera Calzadillas or Merlina Rivera Calzadillas or Melina Rivera Calzadillas or Evelina Rivera Calzadillas or Selina Rivera Calzadillas, but they’re listed here to avoid confusion.
Use this command with a shell that supports process substitution (e.g. Bash): mypy <(cat)
When I say or exclaim “gender,” it can be short for:
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